Situated in one of Sydney’s finest heritage apartment building at Elizabeth Bay.
On the upper levels the apartment commands city views and down the harbour to Manly. The client had been living in the building for many years but wanted to move the kitchens and bathrooms and open up various areas to create a more functional and open plan living space to capture the views and sunlight. Project architects Grove Architects navigated the consultants and Class 2 building regulations while Chrissy Jeffries of No Chintz Interiors managed the interior layout and finishes.
The result is a stunning collaboration of colour and thoughtful tasteful design.
Challenging aspects were the access which was via a hoist inside the internal building courtyard with all materials entering and exiting via the hoist. Heritage constraints made the integration of new services into the exiting building fabric difficult.
The various consultants required & the compliance of the NSW planning Class 2 regulations was another challenge.